Saturday, August 30, 2008

McCain, you don't fool me

not for one second, you don't fool me. I'm so tired of the same of eight years of the poor misuse of power. The only reason you men like his vp choice is because she's nice to look at. What a slap in the face, it's so clear that you don't get it, and once again you are saying we aren't good enough to be equal and that we have to still sit in the back seat while you drive around staying lost and refusing to ask for directions. McCain your trying hard to wear the Emperor's clothes and we saw thru that curtain within the first few months in office. I 'm so disgusted with you and your minnons. owwee........


Snaggle Tooth said...

There you are! Yep, I still check all the time!
I think McCain has openned a Pandora's Box of problems with the Alaskan VP pic. the "Bridge to nowhere" porkbarrel project is something I knew of years ago-

I did want to vote for Hillary tho- she at least doesn't play the second-fiddle role.
That VP girl scares me!

Skye said...

I don't see the point in being vp, women have always been in the white house, that's no big deal.

Snaggle Tooth said...

Lookds like he didn't fool the rest of the country this election, either! Whew-

Skye said...

Time to blog again.