Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Just a thought

The other day while driving around town doing errands, I got a little attitude going because the car in front of me had her dog at the sterring wheel. I'm yelling at her;"If they wanted dogs to drive they would have issused 'em dog licsense!!! Then it hit me oh, they did!!!
I slipped and fell on the ice yesterday morning,man, did that hurt, I thought about putting ice on my bruised hip but then I remembered that I didn't need to I fell on the ice. I'm glad no one saw me esp. when the trash can lid took advantage of me and conked me on the head while I wasn't looking.
Last week it was really windy here, gust up to 65 mph. The day before that though I was out picking up trash in the work parking lot with my happy little yellow cart midget size over by the frozen Platte river when a gust of wind grabbed my cart and off into the river it went. Too bad there wasn't a video going caused I'm sure that would have been pretty funny watching me retrive that cart, what a battle that was.
Artemis woke me up this morning at my usually time to get up my bad, I forgot to tell him I wasn't going to work until later today. Good to know that my cat knows when I 'm suppose to be up, just in case the electricty goes out.


Dr. Deb said...

There is a time and a place for pups to drive cards....No, wait a minute, there is NEVER a time for that, ;)

TexInTheCity said...

Damn 65mph? That's kite flying weather!

Hope your hip is better~

Snaggle Tooth said...

What a comedy of errors! Sounds like alot of aggrivations for you-
When I get to that point I just ask, "What next?"
I wish you had video of it too, but I could picture it all pretty good the way you described it!

Friday some one at work dumped cheap n awful perfume all over my coat, I'm very allergic to it!
So I had to leave work 20F degrees with no coat on- still have no coat, it will NOT wash out! No money for another one either- hope it warms up!

Hope this week is going better for you! (next week for me)

Janus Torrell said...

After reading all this about you guys...I feel better.
