Monday, November 13, 2006

It's about...

nothing and everything all at the same time. I am sick as in stuck on the couch surrounded by a box of tissuses and juices. Everything aches even joints that I didn't know that I had hurts. I'm infected, I got the bug. I knew once it started raining I'd be the first one to test the bug out. Yup, you don't want it, go and get your flu shots. I'll be back in a few days , right now M. is taking me to the doctor to get some real medicine to hopefully knock this out of me.


Ellen said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. Lots of hot tea with lemon and honey will help if you have a sore throat.... and a dip into the brandy bottle will do wonders to help you get some rest.

Take good care!

Cathy said...

Oh dear; sorry to hear that you have this; but it sounds like you're doing all the right things.
Get well soon!

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Oh you poor thing. Hope you recover quickly. Lots of chicken soup and TLC.
Take care, Meow

Skye said...

Ellen, Cathy, and Meow, thankyou very much I am feeling a little better today. The doctor gave me 3 different types of medice and I'm not to return to work until the 20th. Hopefully, I'll be all better for Thanksgiving. That would really be bad not feeling like eating!!!

x said...

get well soon. although i read in the comment above that you are already better. xxx

Skye said...

Thank you Chloe. :)

Gretchen said...

How are you feeling today? Sure hope you're better.

Skye said...

Up and about, moving slowly my ribs hurt from all the coughing. Thank you for asking, that makes me feel alot better than medince. :)

Helene said...

I am right there with ya and I DID already get the flu shot this year! I think it was something I caught traveling... idk but I hope we both feel better soon! lol

cheers! Kate

Wendy C. said...

Well, better late than never - I also hope, retroactively, that you get well soon :-)