Monday, November 06, 2006

Just A Future Away...

Zager & Evans - In the Year 2525

Just A Future Away.... It was last week in 1969 that this song went to #1. And now it's ever so much closer to 2525 ; Humans Living far Beyond Planet's Means, by the year 2050 the Fish will be depleted because of pollution and over fishing; Plastic and other crap confusing fish and marine life as to wheter it's food or not. Africa brearing the brunt of the global warming, Bush admin. ain't doing nuthing to reduce toxic pollution. I wonder will we still be alive in the year 2525? Already we're seeing the Earth warm up by 1 degree Fahrenheit by the year 2100 it will be 10 degrees hotter. I saw a commerical the other day "Did you ever think you'd see a Polar Bear wish for an Ice Maker"? "If woman can survive". ....


Cisco said...

I read the same report and indeed a bit frightening...

Maybe by then meals will be made of plastic of some sort.... Hoepfully the spinach will not make you sick

Ellen said...

Hard to believe that 2525 is only 18 years away.... it seemed like a lifetime away back in 69. I remember it well.

As for global warming.... it's only a matter of time, isn't it? I remember someone making a joke about pollution years ago saying that we should make the particles big enough so that we could dodge them when they came our way. If only we could still joke about it.

Thanks for the blast from the past!

Snaggle Tooth said...

I still have that 45 rpm vinyl of that tune in the backroom somewhere! Used to sing it word for word- as a teenie-bopper way back! Always felt it held much foreboding truth in the concept-

I quit eating fish besides very occassional canned tuna about a decade ago, back when I learned in college that the oceans are getting very messed up. After all, it's the startng point of all life on the planet as we know it!
(I studied Earth n Ocean Science for awhile) I told my Phd prof this would happen, n he disaggreed. Now he's eating crow...

We may make it to 2525, but we'll be on higher ground n what will we be eating..."?