Tuesday, May 23, 2006

4 days in Las Vegas

You know we spent two weeks packing one bag for two people to go for 4 days. That wasn't easy to both agree on the basics things that we would use and not use while on the trip. We had to get someone to take care of Tennessee while we were gone and also Lorretta, the parrot. Finally on Mother's day we were packed, the lady down the street was going to come and look after the rabbit and Mom was taking care of the bird. We had to set two alarm clocks and have someone to make sure we didn't over sleep and miss our flight. Now the week we were in Las Vegas was the big BCA pool 8/9 ball touraments. The highlight of the trip was getting to meet and talk to Allison Fisher "The Duchess Of Doom", I personally, can die and go to Heaven. It was fun seeing people we hadn't seen in a year or so, kinda like one big family reunion., but better! Then after all these years of going to Vegas for this event, my name was called and I yes yours trully pulled the 13 ball out of the barrell at "Slots of Fun" and Won!!!! (the picture is horrible, it is clearly obvisious that I am in a state of shock) six years of practice and you'd think I could have had a better look on my face! Now after that we ran off to dinner at Gilley's Bar and Saloon, yep the one that has the mechincal bull. yup, that's the one. "Oh the 12 oz. steaks were soooo good and the mudwrestling after dinner was well I told ya I'd have to act it out for you........ wait a minute, Dr. Ree that's enough water in the backyard, pretty soon you're gonna have mud back there.... I'm sorry what you want me to come down and try out the new pool, but it's full of mud....."


Diamond said...

I'm sooooo glad you won, but what exactly did you win, since I'm obviously not all that bright and must have missed that part - LMFAO!

Michelle said...

You won....congratulations! Sounds as though you gals had a blast :o)

Skye said...

$130.00 and some more here and there.

The Thinking Man's Babe said...

Hey SkyBlue,

Welcome back! Your time in Las Vegas sounded like an absolute blast! And I agree - planning a trip can take longer than the trip itself!

Glad you had a great time!


Ellen said...

Yay for more money in your pocket than somebody elses!
So glad to hear you had a great time... nothing makes a vacation more memorable than that.

Josh said...

Sounds like you guys had a blast. And congrats too!