Thursday, May 25, 2006

My Daily Battle

****************************** ******** Mrs. Robin, she has made eating the nectar and stripping the guava tree bare of it's flowers a game. If I get lucky enough to catch her landing in the tree before I can grab the water gun she's off sitting on the telephone wire twettering at me. This has been going on for awhile . Every since she had those babies and gave them some now worms aren't good enough anymore.
******************************* ********* One day Mrs. Robin , I can wait.
***************************** **********


Ellen said...

Those pesky critters! Eating bird seed and worms aren't enough, huh?
Now they come after the flowers. Sounds like you have the same problem that I do, but mine are the squirrels. Well thanks to your suggestion (which I will heed) I might be over the war of my critters soon.... and hope you are over yours as well.

Take care!

Dr. Deb said...

You are so funny.

Skye said...

Oh Ellen let's hope so, LOL!:) Hi Dr. Deb! :)

Josh said...

HAHA Good luck!