Wednesday, October 25, 2006

part 4 A Halloween Story

Cautiously we stepped inside the door all the while holding on to each others shirt tail. We were never so shocked as this next moment. There was a stage and four skeletons on it doing a song and dance, (I kid you not) I looked over at Gilbert "What did they just say?" Gilbert looked at me and starting laughing, "They are singing "We are family, I got all my peacies with me". For real? For real, I swear said Gilbert. Then the Master of Cermonines came back on stage , "Now here's a fellow whose been working on this number for a few centuries,dang I introduce him every year and this year I forgot his name... Hey! It's your turn! " So the curtain goes up and there's this coffin and this Vampire is singing "I ain't kissing you no more". Marsha looks at me and whispers are we in some sort of twilight zone? I don't know maybe , maybe American Idol gone bad, I can't tell. Finally the show ends and there 's music playing and dancing from every room in the house , are you ready ? Yup they were getting down to "Thriller" . They said it was the best video ever and no other video has ever topped it. I was just glad I woke up and that the wooden stake I found in my bed had missed it's mark...................................... Happy Halloween...................


Ellen said...

You got me good on this one! I never saw the end coming.

Snaggle Tooth said...

I liked the visuals on the dog barking with no sound n the Dancing skeletons!
fun story, n cute, too! thanks