Sunday, March 26, 2006

As The Toe Turns

"Well, I uhmm can't we do it?" "Do what?""You aren't sugessting that we fix your toe are you?" "Yes, get the tequila, I won't need a shot glass, just bring Jose to me." " I'll get you the tequila but you are using a shot glass, where do you think you are in the wild west?" I suppose next you will sugest that it's my fault that you broke your toe." "Well, the thought flashed in my mind but only briefly. Suddenly I decided that this was not the time to lay blame as my fate would soon lie in her hands. I quickly downed the tequila and reloaded the shot glass. "How many have you had, look at this bottle. Maybe I'd better have one before it's all gone." Trying to be funny and not feel the throbbing toe and the pain that was cutting like a knife up my leg, I said, "That bottle is beyond half empty." "Missy you can't have a pain killer because you've had waaay too much tequila. Sit still and keep this ice pack on your foot. When it's numb I'll see what we can do." Dr. Ree goes off to the linen closet to find the first aid tape. Twenty minutes later she comes back and we put my foot on the operation table. The table was a book about lighthouses, nice and thin and flat. "OK when I tell you to hold it stil that's exactely what I mean, no wiggling around." Strecthing the tape and getting it into place Dr. Ree gives me the signal to turn my toe back to facing the normal position and hold it cose to the others. I wimpered, ok, I cried, and screamed a little( after all what's a good story without drama) I even began to flich but Dr. Ree gave me one of those if you want more tequila you'll sit still looks. So I did, I sat still as she wrapped the tape around my toe not once , twice but three times, all the while the color in my face was fading to white. "There all done, how does it feel?" "Feel? I can't feel anything ." "Good, now you can hobble down to the store and get some more tequila, just kidding. Here put the ice back on it for twenty more minutes while I get ready to go." Later I got up and tried walking around and that proved to be quite a comical scene. I always start out on my left foot, so now my walk is completely off ( no help from the tequila) after a few lessons on how to walk and not put too much weight on my left foot I finally got the walk down. Step - drag, step - drag I would have made a great Frankenstien! This all happened on Wed. and Thursday, yesterday was Sat. and we unwrapped my bandage and most of the purple has cleared up the toe is still swollen, but now that I got the walk down I can put a little pressure on it and I don't gasp with each step - drag. We had pool practiced yesterday and Dr. Ree had gotten a mararita set so yes we had to test it. Not only does Dr. Ree fix broken toes but she makes fantastic mararitas. Why she doesn't even charge for house calls! This is just one of many reasons why Dr. Ree has been my best friend for twenty something years." Yes, but you owe me a bottle of Jose!"


Michelle said...

I wonder if Dr Ree would like an Australian holiday?!!

Skye said...

I know she would w/o even asking the good Dr. LOL!!!

Cathy said...

OUCH! I am a huge baby when it comes to things like this; I barely scrape my toe and thin I've broken it!

Skye said...

LOL! :)

Josh said...

Arrggg!! Just reading those 2 posts has started to make my feet hurt. Think I may be getting dizzy now too :O

mere said...

You are a funny patient, girl! Hope the wittle digit is coming back down to pre-accident size! You definitely have my respect for making the best of the situation with what pain relief was on hand! (Go Jose...)

Dr. Deb said...

I am tender-toed too, lol!

Jinsane said...

That is hilarious! Not you hurting yourself, but the drama of having a friend fix your wounds - not always a good idea...especially if Jose is involved. LOL

Glad you're feeling better!

Neo said...

Sky - Owwie, so it is broke huh?

Man that's gonna hurt for awhile. I like the Jose recovery method. Now once your toe is healed, you'll need AA for recovery from the alcohol. ;)

Peace & Hugs,

- Neo

Diamond said...

Hey sweetie!!

Glad Jose was on hand for such a delicate operation - what a way you have with a words - I could see the whole thing right here in my head.

BTW, are you sure it was mararitas and not margaritas?!!

Hope you recover fully hon!

X said...

OUCHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I hope the toe feels better! I send you hugs!

And yeah you better check if it's broken or Mom broke her toes a few years ago and didn't know it, and now it is a little crooked.

And yes. Alcohol fixes everything :)