Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I've run amuck, now I'm feeling like a duck! :)

Yesterday, I picked up my pool case and hat. Slung my case over my shoulder, strategically had my hat dipped over one eye as I cruised the streets looking for a little action. What was only going to be a few hours of playing pool turned into spending the night and reading a book by fire light. I crashed on their couch and slept under a bear rug. Awaken by the sounds of a blender, the bannana fizzes were Heavenly. Helped hang a few new blinds and got treated to an omlette with feta cheese and sauages. mmmmmmmmmmm :)


Michelle said...

Oooo delicous, fetta cheese and sausage, my mouth is watering!!

Skye said...


Wendy C. said...
