Friday, September 23, 2005

Time line 1989 San Franciso

This made me remember 1989 our big earthquake. There I was living in a crappy moblie home out in Daly City. I was lucky enough to get it for $600.00, lucky I said because it had no working appliances and the floor had gapping holes in it. Lucky cause I now owed property. One afternoon I had found this really cool coffee table that all it needed was a little love and attention and a good coat of polyutherme and voiala all ready for a new life in my crappy trailer. This happy crappy trailer was a poor faux of an Airstream. The only good part of this motor home was that all the lights and tv ran off a 12 volt battery, thus making it the happy crappy trailer! No electricity bills.Yes, I admit it I had a plastic pink flamingo in the driveway along with a lounge chair (that was ratty and torn). So this afternoon there I was sitting in my driveway sanding down the coffee table when a cat runs by me. I thought nothing of the first kitty, when the second and third cat ran by me crying as if something was chasing them I looked up to see what was happenning. I wasn't able to stand up because 19 cats were running and leaping over me as if I was part of the landscape. The last cat leaped over and looked back at me as if to say,"Why are you still sitting there?" Three seconds passed and then the whole ground began to rumble, at this moment I realized why they had ran across my path. My neighbor on the other side of the street was on the earthquake, my trailer was on the safe side that's why all the cats in the trailer park came to my side. When the shaking was over, this happened around 5pm.,only five minutes had passed but it didn't feel that way , it seemed like alot longer. One of the guys had a small tv and he and everyone else was all gathered around it listenning to what had just occured. The SF Giants and the Oakland A's where suppose to play out at Candelstick Park and the announcer was repeating what they had expirenced. None of us knew about the Bay Bridge just yet or about the Marina area. The cartoon made me remember that scary moment.


Mickity said...

Yeah - that pretty much looks like my house. WAY too many pets. My husband is even suggesting we give Maggie (the girl cat) to his sister. Well, whatever. Cats are better then people 99% of the time anyways :-)

Skye said...

Wait I have to tell you about the tortise shell long haired Michelle the slut from Hell! That's the next edition... If given the choice, I'd pick animals every time.

Crystal said...

I have 2 dogs and would LOVE to have a house full of pets (a rabbit even), but alas it would be difficult if I ever want to change apartments. As a renter one simply doesn't have all that much freedom and when I moved to Chitown it was tough finding a place even with only 2 pets. Anyway, earthquakes scare me, I'm happy you made it through okay.