Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Train Wreck and I'm The Conductor! WOO-WOO!!

Ok so last night we got wiped out.I was smart enough to go and open the restroom door cause I saw our ratings heading for the toliet bowl.That'll be the only Bowl game we get to play in at the end of the season, the Toliet Bowl. I'm not pissed at our team we all played our very best, well I did, and I feel certain that the others did too. The thing of it was the other team is good but they aren't like the #1 team either, but I've gotten better rolls at a bakery. When we left the bar, my Captain was on the verge of crying, "Don't cry, let's go see my old girlfriend she'll make us laugh". Leave it to me to make matters worse! I must have missed the course in college relationship 101. But I was right not only did she makes us laugh but she rubbed it in our face that their sister team beat us so bad that we should quit the league! I looked at Andrea, "There see I told ya she'd make us laugh." Now the whole other team is roaring with laughter. We all gather our stuff and walk home. Nothing like true friends to make ya feel better.

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