Saturday, December 17, 2005

It began rainning at percisely 9:45a.m. how do I know that I was on my way home when a big splat of rain nearly knocked me out. See, I was a weather lady in a previous life, and people, friends, co-workers think I'm insane when I tell'em, "Hmm, we're in for a change in the weather. Smells like rain". Now on the news last night they said it wouldn't happen untill 6 a.m. Sunday . I told my helper , they're wrong we might not get thru tonight w/o getting soaked. Oh no he argued they said Sunday. Fine, have I ever been wrong? No, ok then who ya gonna believe, me or someone ya don't even know? -------- While he's sleeping and I'm driving I'm looking at everything, my gauges, the traffif , mirrors, the trees, watching for animals crossing the road, the moon, the clouds , changes in the outside temperature, how a few leaves slowly drifting off a tree suddenly turns into the whole tree is necked. Sooo, we get back to the yard , dock the trailer, get out say hello's and leave, the second we stepped onto the sidewalk splat right on our heads. Tonight will be interesting,cold,wet and slick. I wish my tractor was ready, they pulled it out of service thanks to the skunk smell!


Anonymous said...

Skunk smell? lol Explain the skunk smell.

Skye said...

Ruben dear, you have to read "Late night/Coffee post" I can't go thru it all again,hahaha...

Cathy said...

This is a handy skill! :)

Skye said...

Cathy, yes esp. when one has worked outside for the last seven years.