Saturday, January 21, 2006

Just Another Night

Last night was like a walk on the wild side. It's been raining here since the 16th of December and the other day it rained while the sun was shinning. So last night I listened to the news nothing was mentioned about rain in the forecast. No rain to me means Cold in place of rain. I dress like I was going into a freezer. Well, I no sooner got out onto the side walk and down from the Heavens it poured. I suppose it was holding off just to rain on me. I step into my favorite late night cofffee shop and out of the corner of my eye I see this old lady in the rain. I hand her enough money to get coffee and a doughnut, at least she was out of the rain for awhile. I go toward work and do my thing and as I'm about to leave the yard I hear all this commotion.
There is a bar across the street and this couple both clearly intoxicated are yelling at each other. She collapses onto the curb. He is still yelling the rain is coming down in buckets she is in tears. I cann't stand to see people yelling and this goes back to my childhood, so I have to go over and I politely asked him to knock it off and step back. He did, I help her up and get her to a dry area, told her she could stay there as long as she needed to compose herself. Then I went about doing my thing again. Later I see her making her way across the street, he plain out left her. I 'll be glad when Spring arrives.


Crystal said...

How nice of you to give the lady some help! Btw I don't like rainy days either, I'm ready for Spring too.

kimber said...

Cheers to you for lending a hand, not only to the woman who was being yelled at, but for being generous enough to give the old lady an opportunity to get out of the downpour. I'm longing for Spring, too. :)

Wendy C. said...

That was nice of you to help -

Cathy said...

If only there were more like you in this world. If only...

X said...

That was really great of you to help the two women...not many in this world would do that. There is some good karma coming your way soon! And ditto, bring on the spring! :)

Michelle said...

Skyblue, what a thoughtful gesture on your behalf.

JM said...

I hate seeing people fight. It always unnerves me.

Skye said...

Yo! Everyone, Hello, I don't do anything for points cause that to me is the "WRONG" reason for doing. Often times it isn't where I can "DO" anything about it, that is usually the case. It was just strange that two things occured in a short time span and for whatever divine purpose or not i was the one present. If Heaven wants me they know my #. On the other hand I'm not worried about Hades, the devil is afraid I'll take over!!! i.e. (The Whip I got for Christmas). Big Rich made a thought flash in my little mind and I just wanted to put that out there for my own sanity!!! Mostly I helped the older Lady because it was so she could go inside the coffee shop and not be loittering b/c now she could buy something and sit down. The other Lady b/c the things the b/f was yelling were very belittling and it was sad enough that she had fallen down and his small characther was being a BigMouth. Plus, just the weekend before in that very same spot(this is horrific) I withness someone get smacked by a car from behind and the force of the impact shoved them under their car, it took the fire dept. and the medics over an hour to free them. I wasn't about to stand by and have a repeat performance. Big Rich, Thank you for coming by your words made me think really deep. Thank you. :)

Neo said...

Sky - Man is it ever going to stop raining there?


- Neo