Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sleeping Weather

I awoke to the sound of raindrops on the fire escape this morning,what a beautiful noise very legato. So I'm not going to be here long, I'm headed back to bed to cuddle up with my pillow and maybe have some wild fantasy before I have to really get up. The wildest thing I can think of is my roommates drank some magicaly potion and suddenly they feel the need to "Clean up ". It's to the point that I might just walk out one day ... They've been warned, I am no one 's maid. I don't feel like even thinking about it, I'd like to call the health dept. I'd really like it if Mr. Clean would bust down the door and stand there with his arms folded and scare the daylights out of them. Oh yeah and carry me off on his broad shoulders all the while saying "You're safe now". In fact it'd be wonderful to be rescued by some big strong OCD male with an earring. I have the strangest fantasies. I hear my pillow calling me , it's a very soft spoken pillow, Skye, Skye,c'mon back to bed, Skye stop playing around and come here.

1 comment:

Beth said...

I have had nothing but messy roommates. Death to them. DEATH I SAY!